Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Zombie 101

Who out there watches The Walking Dead?  I just got into it this year.  I really wanted to start last year, but then I missed the first episode, and kept forgetting, blah blah blah.  So I picked it up at the start of the second season.  Lucky me, my very good friend Kimmy (check out her blog here), was up to date on this series, and was able to answer my questions.  Then on New Years they decided to run a Walking Dead marathon, of the first season!!  So I was able to record all the episodes.  This week, my husband and I have finally been able to sit and watch the shows together. 
My husband is all about zombies.  He totally wants to make a zombie movie.  He even has a plan for if a  zombie apocalypse, were to happen.  Seriously, he has it all worked out in his head.  First, we all survive, what ever it is that turns people into zombies.  Then he has plans on how he would secure our house.  He's pretty sure he can seal off the bottom level.   It really is kind of fun to ask him what if questions.  What if, we have to go into town and get medical supplies?  What if, one of us gets bit...  (he has informed me that if he gets bit, to go ahead and just shoot him right then).   What if, we are on vacation when it hits?  I love that you can actually see his brain thinking about possible scenarios, lol. 
Anyway, we are watching this show, and if you haven't seen it, let me explain just a little.  The main character, is a sheriff.  He got shot right before the apocalypse happened, and was in the hospital in a coma. Note I don't understand why he was in a coma, after he was shot kind of in the lung?  I digress.  So he is sleeping through all the mayhem.  Then he awakens from this coma, to find himself all alone, except for zombies that try to eat him.  We fast forward, and discover that his wife, and his very best friend (also a sheriff, and a very good looking one at that), have hooked up together.  We also know, that his wife and friend believe he is dead.  So my husband is watching this unfold, and he is so mad.  I mean seriously upset that the wife and best friend have hooked up.  He was like "I hope you wouldn't hook up with another guy so soon after you think I am dead".  In fairness, I think it has only been a couple months, so you would think the wife would still be mourning the loss of her husband, but I am honestly surprised at his reaction.  First, because most things don't bother my husband, and second he is truly irritated at this.  So I am like look, if you died and the world is coming to an end, and there is another person there to comfort me, then yes, maybe I would hook up with someone else.  It's the end of the world, pre-world rules don't apply!!  I don't have time to mourn, when I have dead people trying to eat me, just saying....apparently, I would have time for sex!
I really do enjoy this show, but I always have zombie questions.  Like why is it that the ones who survived the initial infection, can get bit by a zombie and turn into one?  Why are you not immune to that, since you were immune to what caused the infection in the first place?  I asked my husband and he said it was basic zombie 101, if you get bit you turn into a zombie!!  Stupid rule if you ask me, lol. 
So if you are stuck in world, where there are walking dead, what do you do??  What do you take with you??  Where do you go?  And most importantly, do you sleep with your significant others BFF?? 


1 comment:

  1. I really do think people would make crazy and irrational decisions. You can't really definitvely say what you would and would not do, so John is dreaming if he thinks he knows! I was reading this other blog where a guy has like 3 different duffel bags packed for such an occasion. Like, seriously!! He even thought to put a deck of cards in each one because he thinks he'll be bored and not have anything to do. I don't know where I would go?? Our in the country as much as I could obviously, but where? I'm sure people wouldn't be taking in strangers.
