Friday, January 27, 2012

Self Portrait, from a 4 year old

Self portraits.  That's this weeks theme over at my3boysbarian, and the weekly photo challenge, P52.  So far, I am enjoying these weekly challenges.  I am trying to think outside the box, and try some different things with my camera.  I was going to try using a timer to get a picture of myself, but my not so cool camera, apparently doesn't have one.  Or, one that I could locate without finding my manual.  I didn't really want to use my bathroom mirror (I would have to clean too much for that, ha). So I decided that you could all get an accurate picture of me, via my 4 year old daughter! 

I think I look pretty good!  Although, I am not positive, if I have a purple nose?  Or if I am eating a purple grape...  Don't you just love this age of drawing.  It totally cracks me up.  I am seriously thinking about framing this picture, I just love it so much.  My daughter is such a sweet girl. 
you know, I just realized this is a self portrait too, but it isn't one I took for the challenge.  This is my daughter and I, we are at Lego Land in Orlando.  Fun place, totally worth going to!!

I am in the process of looking for a PreK program, for her in the fall.  I confess I am having such a hard time.  She is my baby, and I just don't want to send her to school.  I know she will love it, and just grow and blossom into an even more beautiful little girl.  If I am honest, I think my fear is of what will I do with me?  What becomes of me, when she isn't home to care for all the time?  I will still be a mom, but maybe not needed as much?  My husband is like, look at all the free time you will have.  But I am not sure I want it.  I guess, I still have a little while to figure it out. 



  1. Cute self-portrait with your daughter! It will become a precious treasure as she grows. :)

  2. I love the drawing. You daughter sees your big smile and your loving eyes on her. That is what matters most. So cute.

  3. It is hard letting them go, but we have to do if for them as much as for ourselves. Our only daughter left for college this fall, and she is 8 hours away. I quit my job and wondered what I would do with my time, so far I haven't been bored and neither will you. Do the things you love!

  4. I am with John, look at all that glorious free time! What I wouldn't do to not have to go to work! :-) You'll still be needed, I don't remember needing/loving my mom any less when I started or was in school so it will be ok!
