Sunday, January 8, 2012

What a game!

Oh my, what a game!!  I love football!  I grew up in the north, Ohio to be exact, and NFL is what we watched.  I come from a family of Browns' fans, and let me say that it is hard being a Browns' fan (no one likes to suck all the time).  My husband is a Pittsburgh Steelers' fan, and if you know anything about football, you will know that Browns' fans and Pitts' fans don't like each other.  I mean we just don't.  Although, I am pretty sure if he was a Raven's fan, I would never of married him, because I hate the Ravens even more then Pittsburgh. But because my husband is really an awesome guy, I over looked his Steelers love.  We have been married for almost 15 years, and because the Browns have been so horrible, for a very very very long time, it really hasn't been a problem. 
I now live in the SEC country, and that is collage football, for those who don't know.  Collage ball was never very big in Ohio.  Don't get me wrong, the Buckeyes rock, and I grew up hating Michigan, but it isn't looked at, as the same as it is down here.  Down here, collage ball is more important then pro ball.  So two things going on today!  I am rooting against Pittsburgh, and I am rooting for Tim Tebow (we tend to follow the Gators at my house).  So tonight's game was so very sweet!  I just love to see Pittsburgh loose, except when playing the Ravens, and it was really great to see Tebow do so well.  I am a believer!!  But I think I like him so much, because he is really a man of God and he isn't afraid to show it.  He reminds me of David in the bible, and how David's love for God was so in your face.  David just wasn't afraid to show his love, and neither is Tebow.  So refreshing to see.

Hope you all had a blessed weekend


and for those who are Steelers fans, I am sorry, ok not really, but you can take a page from a Browns playbook, wait till next year....


  1. Oh thank goodness, I thought you were about to see you were rooting for the Steelers ;) I live in Gaineseville and it's Tebow mania here. I even wore my Tebow Broncos shirt today :) And youre so right, college football is bigger than NFL.

  2. Lol, when I first moved down south, I kept hearing all this talk about collage football, and I am like who cares...yeah not the right attitude to have down here =)! I need to get me a Tebow Broncos shirt. Glad you root for Tebow too! Hope they do well against the Patriots.
