Monday, January 16, 2012

Making Calories Count

Ok, I am linking up to Fit Club, today is our weekly check in, to see how we have all been doing.
I am happy to report that thus far, I think I am doing pretty good.  I have managed to exercise everyday, but 2, since the beginning of the New Year.  So that is pretty good for me.  I was hoping that I would start to enjoy working out, but not so much.  Does anyone know when that will hit??  I have decided to drop the P90X Yoga, because I absolutely hated it.  Not a fan!  I really don't care about Downward Dog, or Warrior poses.  So I added another Cardio day.  I did do the Just Dance workout.  My oldest son joined me and we had a competition.  He clearly won 7 out of the 8 dances, with his awesome moves, I manged a win with the Cee Lo Green song, Forget You.  But I did mange to win the sweat score.  So I was working it.  The next time, I am going for at least 10 songs.  I was sweating after 8, but I could of easily of done a couple more. 
I have really been keeping track of my food.  Last week Kim posted this app, called Lose It,  on Fit Club, and I decided to download it.  It really is so very helpful.  Just keeping track of everything and seeing what the calories are, really is making me have better decisions.  I am surprised at how many calories are in things, and just how quickly those calories can add up. 
I can proudly say, that I am feeling a difference in my pants, and shirts.  Just feels good!  I am not supposed to be keeping track of my weight, per my husbands orders, but I sneak on every now and then =)!.  I have lost about 6 pounds, yeah me!! 
So with the knowledge of how many calories I can eat, and the fact that what I am doing, is working, I am feeling more motivated to keep with it.
This weekend was a bit of a challenge, because I had not one but 2 birthday parties that I (my kids) had to attend.  It was just AWESOME!!!  Nothing like being trapped for almost 4 hours at a skating party.  Let me tell you, that brings back memories... But I didn't have any cake, or pizza or soda!  I was going to allow myself one chocolate chip cookie.  They were home made and I thought I could have one.  Well, let me tell you first, that my husband likes to bake. He is really pretty good, when it comes to cakes and cookies.  So I took one bite of this cookie, and it just wasn't good.  So I thought to myself, I am not going to waste my calories on this yucky cookie, so I threw it away.  Go me!  Making my calories count =).  I did get some ice cream at the party on Sunday, but it was only a bite or two.  It sure was yummy though! 
This next week, I really need to up my work out efforts.  I need to push myself more, because I have a tendency to let up when it starts getting hard.



  1. Yay for 6 pounds!! And seriously, I can not believe your will power. Why don't I have any of that? If I'm at a party, I am so going to be eating the food. Oh, and now you know why I just laughed when you said I should take yoga classes to relax. There is absolutely nothing relaxing about them. :-)

  2. Yay for trashing the cookie. You have great will power, if I had a bite I would devour it probably. Good luck to you!

  3. You are doing AMAZING! Well done!

  4. Great progress! 6 pounds is awesome!! I love the dance game work out idea. Dancing is so much fun and such a good work out!

  5. Wow, what a positive week you've had! Great job with the cookie; if something isn't absolutely amazing, it's not worth eating, right?

    Also, totes agree on the P90X. I love the other videos, and I love yoga in general, but that one is SO long and I just can't get into it. You're better sticking with stuff you love, I say! :)
