Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last day of 2011

So today is the last day of the year 2011.  I just can't believe how quickly this year went by.  And am amazed at all that happened.  Sadly, both my Aunt and my Grandpa passed away.  Although, my grandpa was older, they both passed away kind of sudden.  He had what we thought was a cold, and then he just went down hill.  I am thankful, that I got a chance to be with my grandpa right before he passed.  He also requested to be baptised before he got too weak, and that was simply amazing to watch.  At one point you could almost see the Holy Spirit enter into his body.  Really amazing!!  My Aunt Tish, was an amazing lady, and I wish that I could of got to her before she passed.  I cherish all the memories I have of them. 
However, one of the greatest things I did this year was give birth to the most beautiful little girl.  She was just shy of 9 lbs, and a head full of black hair.  Her parents fell in love immediately.  It was hard not too!!  See, I was a surrogate for an amazing couple.  They are the most caring and sweet people.  And their family is just as amazing too.  The pain that they went through before I was able to help them, is just heart breaking.  Infertility really sucks, and if you are going through that, I am so very sorry.  This wasn't my first time being a surrogate.  I in 2006, and 2009, I helped another couple have first their son, and then their daughter.  Call me a fool, but I simply love being pregnant!!  So that was probably the biggest thing that happened this year.  How about you, what was your biggest thing that happened? 
So today was my first p90x workout!!  Not kidding on the intensity there!  It was shoulders, back and arms today.  Yeah, just typing is kind of hurting, and I am sure tomorrow, I won't be able to lift a thing.  As the guy on the video says, just keep PUSHING PLAY!!   As intense as the work out is, the main guy  on the video (can't remember his name), really emphasizes to do what you can.  You don't have to start where they are.  Set a goal and keep going.  It was fun working out with my husband.  Although, I think it is going to be hard to keep him focused, because apparently seeing me all sweaty, gross and out of breath, is a huge turn on, lol!!  When I start seeing the results I will let you know.  Still thinking about posting my before numbers, but I am a little hesitant to put that out there in cyber space.  However, if I start looking like the chic on the video, I don't think I will care and will be very proud of my before numbers!!
I have a whole slew of resolutions, I think I typed out like 20.  I think most of them reflect some kind of decluttering, and cleaning.   I am not a great house keeper, and this year I would like to change that.  I honestly don't have any excuses, just don't like doing it =(.  I think there is a linky party for those, but I am still learning how to do all that.  There is also this photo challenge that I am going to try, along with my friend Kimmy (it is actually her idea).  So when I figure it out, I will link up to that too. 
Mean while, have a very safe and happy New Years eve tonight!!


Friday, December 30, 2011

Very First Post

Wow!  My very first post, thanks to some prompting from my friend Kimmy.  I hope to post about my day to day activities.  Who knows what that will be!!  With three kids the fun never ends at my house.  Tomorrow, I start a new workout routine, and diet.  Or as my personal coach, I mean loving husband says, a life style change.  We are going to be kicking it with some P90x.  My husband started last spring and did so well on it.  I have high hopes for myself, ha!   I will most definitely keep you up to date on how that goes!  Keeping this short, so I can test it out.