Monday, January 30, 2012

Drum Roll please!!

So this Saturday, I had my official way in!!  My husband took all my measurements for me, at the beginning of January.  And the results (insert drum roll here)......

I have officially lost 7lbs.
I have lost 3 inches off my belly (I can totally tell)
I have lost one inch off my hips!!
I also lost an inch from my breast (hubby was a little sad about that)

My arm and leg muscles have gotten bigger!!! Let me clarify, they have gotten more muscular. 

Yeah me!!  Slowly it is working!

I was also supposed to be working on more tangible goals.  So here they are for the month of February.  I want to loose 5 more pounds.
I want to loose 2 more inches off my belly, and another inch off my hips.
I really want to feel comfortable in my size 12 jeans.  I can wear them, but I want them to feel roomy.  I have a tendency to pull on my 14s, cause they just feel a little more comfy, although they are getting too big.  Doesn't that sound nice rolling off my tongue... too big!!  Love it!!  I am not sure what my 'prize' will be for meeting these tangible goals?  I have my JCPenny gift card, from Christmas, that I am holding onto.  Maybe I will go by myself something?  Although, I might hold onto it for a little longer, and wait for summer clothes to come out.
I do have a Victoria Secrets card, maybe I will get a new bra??   Since my breast size has changed? 

I am still working on staying motivated and pushing myself while exercising.  Not so easy.  I am linking up to Fit Club, check it out, if you haven't yet!  I really think being accountable to everyone is pushing me.

Hope everyone else is doing well, and seeing some results!


  1. You are doing awesome. Keep it up and I love your goals for next month. Good luck!

  2. Congratulations on your weight loss!

  3. That is AMAZING! Congrats! I'm so glad you're seeing results, that's the best feeling. Measuring yourself seems like a great way to see your progress, I think I need to start doing that. Keep up the good work :)

  4. Oh wow that's an amazing progress, well done you!
    Don't you just love it when things start feeling too big, such a great feeling.
    Keep it up, I hope you enjoy your well deserved prize.

  5. Thanks Ladies, I know that the seeing the results, really makes me more commited to keep it up!

  6. Yay for you! I would hold off on the Victoria's Secret gift card for a couple of months?

  7. Awesome!! I wish I had taken measurements at the beginning of my "journey" a few months ago! You have done a great job this past month! I'm visiting from the Fit Club Link up...
    ~Lisa @ Organized Chaos
