Friday, February 3, 2012

Casting a shadow

Yeah, today is my weekly photo challenge, at my3boysbarians.  She has a weekly photo challenge, and each week there is a new theme.  So this week it was shadows.  I always have these grand ideas of what I want my photo to look like, but thus far they haven't panned out.  Although I liked this one, because I was doing one thing, and the shadow looks like I am doing something else.  Not to mention my figure looks pretty good, ha!! 
The weather here, has been beautiful!!  So not typical for January, and I am so loving it!!  I admit I grew up in Ohio, and have seen my fair share of snow.  I loved making snow men, and forts, and sledding, and all that good fun stuff, you can do with snow.  But since I have lived in the south, for almost 15 years, I don't enjoy the cold, or snow.  I cringe when the temp starts reaching the 30s.  My point about the weather, is that yesterday, when I took this photo, the sun was shinning just right to cast shadows. 
I did look around and see if I could find any cool looking shadows (think grand idea), but nothing popped out at me.  So we headed to the driveway to look at our shadows (we, as in my daughter and I).  Anyway, this is what I ended up with.

I love that it looks like I am laying on my back watching the clouds. 

My daughter was having a good time watching her shadow, and this is one of my favorites.
She had a lot with her leg in the air, lol. 

Found this quote about shadows, and thought it fit just right.

"There is strong shadow where there is much light."
 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe



  1. Good job. Your shadow looks good. My (unpublished) shadow needs to go on a diet.

  2. It really does look like you're laying on your back looking up, cute! :-)

  3. Cute! Love your daughter having fun with her shadow:)
