Monday, February 6, 2012

Fit Club Monday

Monday is Fit Club day!! 
But this Monday, I don't really have much to report.  Besides the fact that I ate horrible this weekend, and I still hate exercising!  Although, I did bring it on Friday, while exercising, and boy were my butt cheeks sore =)!
I knew this weekend was going to be a little tough.  So I tried to eat healthier, while still eating bad.  I have noticed though, that I am much more conscience about calories, and knowing I only have so many I can eat in a day.  So on most days, that really helps me stay focused. 
On Sunday, we took the kids to get some ice cream, and instead of getting any, I opted to save my calories, for the Chicken with Lemon Butter, I wanted to make for dinner that night.  That chicken is so very good, but so not good for you!  9 tablespoons of butter, in it!  So I am proud that I didn't eat both the ice cream, and the Chicken.

So not much to report.  Getting back on the eating better, and not going to worry too much about my slip ups this weekend. 



  1. Way to go with skipping the ice cream! That's definite progress, and I bet it felt so good eating the Chicken knowing you had already made good decisions that day! Hopefully I can make some good decisions this week, too!

  2. I am just now reading this!! But good for you for not having the ice cream, how hard would that have been when everyone else was eating it?? I so would've caved, ha!
