Monday, February 13, 2012

Fallen off...

Fit Club Monday, and I have confessions... I confess I have fallen off the wagon this last week.  I haven't been drinking my water, not keeping up with my calories, and I slacked on the exercise. 
I was out of town, this weekend, and that made it hard to exercise, and my eating wasn't so good.  I made poor choices, when I could of made better ones. 
So today, I am really going to keep track of my calories again.  I think not doing that really made me less accountable.  So this is a must!  I have to hold myself accountable. 
I am not sure why I am not drinking my water.  I am really not replacing it with anything else, I am just not drinking much during the day.  I know that is not good for me.  I need to, at the minimum, drink 64 ounces every day, if not more.  So I am getting ready to fill up my water container and get to work on that for the day, week. 
And, the exercise, besides the last thee days, really hasn't been too bad.  I just ran out of time on Friday, and Sat, and honestly, got lazy on Sunday.  In general though, I think I have been doing pretty good with the exercise.  I am still working on making sure I give it my 100% when I am doing it. 

I am worried about not making my goals, but hopefully if I buckle down in the next two weeks, I can do it. 

How is everyone else been doing?  If you have fallen off the wagon, there is always room to get back on, and today is always a good day to do that.  Take a look at what you know you are doing that is keeping you from your goals, and think about what you can do to fix them.  You will be more angry with yourself for falling off, and not getting back on.  Then falling off again and again.  Because at least if you fell off, you put yourself out there to try.  (Note, I am giving myself a pep talk here too)!



  1. HEY NOW!! Worry is like a rocking chair, it takes up time but gets you no where :) You ARE going to reach your goals. Keep it up. I am going out of town this weekend, and the odds are against me. ONE- we are going to Vegas. TWO - Both nights is open bar and fine dinning paid for by the husbands work. You know, I know, everyone knows, I am so going to fall off the wagon lol But next week I will pick up and keep trucking. Keep trucking, my friend :) Can't wait to hear your progress next week.


  2. I think we all fall off the wagon sometimes, that's just the way it goes. But you absolutely have to the right attitude and I'm sure you will pick up where you left off and be back on track in no time at all!
    I believe in you!

  3. You'll get back on the wagon, I hear a certain nurse's outfit calling your name!! :-)
