Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Staying Dedicated

Ok, so today I was just not feeling my exercise.  I mean, I really still am not feeling it.  But I was looking at my blogs and was reading Fit Club.  So I thought to myself, all these women are really trying to stay on track and are dedicated to working out and eating right.  So I better just turn off this computer and get to exercising.  So I did =)! 
I was really thinking about walking, but since Spring has arrived so early (which I LOVE), the pollen count is totally insane.  Get this, anything over 1500, is considered a high count, today we broke yesterdays all time high by 1000 points.  Yesterdays, it was in the 8000, and today it was over 9000.  You can literally see it floating in the air.  Everything is coated with this yellow dust.  Anyway, I thought I probable shouldn't really be exercising outside.  I don't normally have allergy problems, but this high a count might just put anyone in an allergy coma. 
Instead, I headed to the basement and popped in my P90X Kempo disk.  I hadn't done that one in a while.  It was kind of nice.  I was very glad to have got it done.  So thank you Fit Club!! 
I didn't find any good recipes to try yet.  I still need to work on that. 
Soccer season has started where we live as well.  All three of my kids have decided to play.  I love to see them so active.  On Friday, we have their practices (yes, I managed to get them all on the same day). Of course their fields are on total opposite ends of the park, but I am using it to my advantage.  My husband is coaching my oldest son's team, so I don't need to check up on him.  So I float between my middle son and my daughter, and I take a jog between their fields.  I am actually impressed I don't get winded while doing it =). 

So thank you ladies, for staying dedicated to Fit Club!!  It really made a difference with me today.


1 comment:

  1. hey there..found your link on fit club.
    i love p90 kenpo...so much fun..a really good workout!

